After the Kerry/Edwards election failure tuesday, Michael Moore's relevance is one of the rarest items available on E-Bay today. This auction is for whatever relevance Mr. Moore has seven days from now. I do not anticipate there will be much left, but there just might be enough to give to the highest bidder. I am positive that once his relevance is gone seven days from now there will be no more to be found anywhere, at any price.(Via Captain's Quarters) CNN's Netscape Network Election 2004 page has more news than it intends. It provides a photo with the URL Guess who's in the photo? The link still works as of 6:18 EST today, but they now have a renamed version appearing in the page.
Q: Do we get the entire Michael Moore? And if so, how much will shipping be.. I'd imagine quite alot because of the weight of the package.
A: The entire Michael Moore would cost way too much to ship. I am selling his relevance because it is the 2nd smallest part of him....
Ace has the two obligatory liberal media stories which always get trotted out after a Republican victory. They're so predictable, it's comedic.
Don't miss the Little Green Football's features: Gloat Watch and Choice Moonbat Quotes.
Iowahawk provides grief counseling: Let the healing begin
A sad but uplifting letter from MoveOn as reported by Claire at SondraK's place.
This lady definitely drank the Kool-Aid