Saturday, November 07, 2009

eBay retains its title as the joke of online shopping sites

I used to be an extensive eBay shopper, but have tapered off over the years as the grasping nature of the management team has ruined the ambience. Still, I can't help marveling at how they have managed to kill the golden online auction goose and consequently I got a chuckle out of their latest faux pas - eBay Payment Reminders: eBay screws up again:

Do you remember when eBay was the Great White Shark of online auction sites? Now they seem to be more like Bozo. The latest evidence is the great eBay Payment Reminder debacle which started on Friday. Instead of sending out a "You’ve Won…" notice to winning auction bidders and purchasers from eBay stores, they are waiting 48 hours and then sending out collection agency style emails that are fetchingly titled "Please pay for your…".


The problem with this is that many eBay sellers encourage buyers to shop around for multiple days amongst their other auctions and eBay store items to buy more and save on combined shipping. Sellers woke up Saturday to find irate emails from customers they had encouraged to keep shopping, but who had exceeded eBay’s arbitrary 48 hour limit and were hit with the "Please pay…" emails for their purchases over the past few days.

The sellers can't change the emails or opt out of them so they are suffering from outraged buyers who can't discern that the emails came from the robots at eBay and not the sellers themselves. Undoubtedly eBay sees some money in this for themselves, but it is hard to see how. Meanwhile the sellers are scrambling to figure out how to tell their customers that it is yet another eBay screw-up.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Keep the pressure on to KILL THE BILL

After yesterday's House Call on Congress, Obamacare is punch drunk and reeling. Get on the phone and call your congressional representatives, particularly if they are on the "leaners list". If they aren't on the list, tell them why they should be:

Obamacare shove it up your donkey

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Today's Hoot: Dede Scozzafava comes out of the closet

Some of the wags at Free Republic came up with this snap of  porcine Dede Scozzafava coming out of the closet.

Scozzafava comes out of closet

Of course, the real question is what she got from the White House for endorsing the Democrat candidate in the NY-23 congressional race after she ended her faux Republican campaign. From the looks of ole Dede, I'm betting she is going to be Obama's Pizza Czar. "Every American deserves large pies with 2 meat toppings and triple cheese."

Don't let the garage door hit your wide load on the way out, Dede.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

How can you tell if Michelle Obama is wearing a Halloween costume?

I have to admit that when I saw the photos of the White House Halloween party I thought that Emperor Obama and his consort Michelle had decided to skip the costumes. Emperor Barack looked like Urkel as usual and Michelle was wearing something that looked like it was looted from a Salvation Army store as usual.

Micheele and Barack Obama Halloween 2009 party

Boy, was I shocked to find out that Michelle's outfit was really a "Cat Woman" costume!

Therefore, to prevent further mistakes of this type I consulted with the Country Store's crack team of fashion consultants and came up with this handy guide to whether or not Michelle Obama is wearing a Halloween costume.

Q: Does Michelle Obama's outfit vaguely resemble the skin of a wild animal?

Michelle and Barack Obama Halloween Party 2
If the answer is yes, then Michelle is wearing a Halloween costume.

Q: Is Michelle Obama wearing something that looks like it was made out of Nick Nolte's old Hawaiian shirt?

Michelle Obama wears Nick Nolte shirtNick Nolte shirt
If the answer is yes, then Michelle is wearing one of her high fashion outfits.

Q: Is Michele Obama wearing something that looks like the couch your aunt had back in the 1970's?

Michelle Obama Big Butt

If so, then it it is another of Michelle's regular outfits.

Q: Does Michelle Obama look like Flip Wilson when he was dressed up as Geraldine?

Michelle Obama does Denmark
Flip Wison as Geraldine
This is another indication Michelle is wearing a haute couture outfit some con artist designer sold her and it is not a Halloween costume

Q: Is Michelle Obama wearing a very wide belt just under her negligible bust and twirling a hula hoop?

Michelle Obama Twirls a hula hoop

Hey, the wide belt is a primo fashion accessory and like Michelle you have to have no chest (or be a cross dresser) to wear it so it is plenty exclusive and NOT a Halloween costume no matter what it looks like.

Whew! That was sure exhaustive and I thank my fashion consultants, but I'm still not convinced that I won't make the same mistake again. Maybe next year Michelle can just go for the Joker clown make-up at Halloween:

Michelle Obama Joke

Today's Hoot: Frank Rich gets all dewy eyed over Dede Scozzafava

Michelle Malkin kicks fat fool Frank Rich's butt:

Make Frank Rich cry: Donate to Hoffman for Congress.