Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Calling all minions! Number 1 is pissed!

Ernst Blofeld

Breaking Blofeld news - Conservatives' 'Vicious' Criticism Makes Soros Angry
Billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros, who has pledged $15.5 million to liberal interest groups, said Monday he would likely up the ante in his quest to oust President Bush from the White House this November.

Speaking before the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C., Soros declined to say how much he would give or when he might make the next donation. But he said the attacks he has endured from conservatives -- the Republican National Committee and the Bush campaign are two of his biggest critics -- have fueled his restlessness.

"I've been really quite viciously attacked for doing what I'm doing," Soros told the packed audience. "It's got a rise out of me and that will probably [result] in a rise in the amount of money I'll devote to it."
Oh please, bring it on.
Looking past the upcoming Democratic primaries, Soros said he doesn't have a favorite candidate to take on Bush. But he finds the views of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, retired Gen. Wesley Clark and Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry most appealing.

"I'm not picking one candidate, but I am keen on Dean," Soros said when asked about the Democratic frontrunner's chances.
Well that's a surprise! Not that he supports Deano, but that's he's a poet too! In further news, Wes Boyd and Joan Blades ask "How high?"

Ignore the high pitched whine in the background coming from the grave of FDR. That's just the corpse passing 7200 RPM.