So many wingnuts, so little time
Sky News reports Mandela to Snub Bush when he visits Africa in July. Nellie's panties are still in a knot over Iraq. Maybe we can send Jimmy Carter to commiserate?'s "electronic primary" is over and Howie Dean got the most votes with the Ohio elf coming in second. Despite the hype, this turned out to be a real snoozer, although MoveOn got to fatten their coffers and mailing list.
Kofi Annan says the 3rd world needs wireless Internet access. Guess who should pay. And while you're guessing, figure out who should advance the UN $1 billion interest free to refurbish their Manhattan digs? Hey, they're great at handling money. And they love to handle it.
And speaking of the UN, the Australian foreign minister observed that "multilateral forums such as the United Nations are 'ineffective and unfocused' and said its foreign policy will increasingly rely on 'coalitions of the willing' like the one that waged war in Iraq". Predictably there are plenty of panties in a wad over that, including Mahathir Mohamad, prime minister of Malaysia. You remember Mattie, he's one of those moderate Muslim dictators. His political party has also recently been passing out copies of "The International Jew". If you aren't familiar with his wit and wisdom, don't worry, you can soon take a 'Thoughts of Mahathir' course. I'm sure it won't be too time consuming.