Sunday, June 29, 2003

And speaking of New York
Al Guart reports in the NY Post that Web Sellers Burn Tax-Dodge Puffers:
New Yorkers dodging heavy taxes on cigarettes by buying from Native American sellers on the Internet could be hearing soon from the taxman.

Under a settlement in the federal appeals court, the Ojibwa Trading Post, a popular online cigarette vendor based in upstate New York, has agreed to report its sales and hand over customer names to authorities every two weeks, effective immediately.

The reporting is required under the federal Jenkins Act.
It is currently not known how many customers Ojibwa Trading Post has in New York, but the Seneca reservation is thought to be the largest distributor of online cigarettes in the state.
The Jenkins Act is from 1949, but it gets the Feds on the case since they are the only ones with enough authority to go after the Indian Reservations.

Well, back to Uncle Vito and the boys.