Monday, February 10, 2003

Escapees from the Worker's Paradise
Madeline Baró Diaz reports in the Sun-Sentinel - Four Cuban defectors land patrol craft at Key West hotel:
Four Cuban coast guardsmen dressed in military uniforms came ashore in their patrol boat at a Key West resort Friday and turned themselves in to police.

The men, who were apparently fed up with living in Cuba, decided to seek political asylum in the United States, Key West police said. They were questioned by the FBI before being placed in the custody of the U.S. Border Patrol on Friday afternoon.

The Border Patrol was establishing that the men were in fact Cuban, determining how they came to the United States, and figuring out if immigration authorities had any record of them, said Keith Roberts, a spokesman for the agency.

"We treat all of the cases the same way, even though on the surface it does seem to be a little bit different than [with] most Cuban arrivals," Roberts said.

The four men approached Key West Officer Matt Dorgan at about 4 a.m. and told him they wanted to surrender, Key West police spokeswoman Cynthia Edwards said. One man had a Chinese handgun holstered to his side, which he allowed Dorgan to take. Police officers searched the boat the men docked at the Hyatt Marina Resort and found two loaded AK-47 machine guns with ammunition.

The men told Officer Tara Koenig that they were on patrol at about 1 a.m. when they decided to defect.

"My impression is that it was a last-minute decision," Koenig said. "They were patrolling, talking about living at the poverty line when they said, `You know what, the United States is only 90 miles that way.' So they set the heading on their boat, cut off communication with Cuba and headed straight here."
There are more details in an article in the Key-West Citizen:
Gamboa, a tall, lanky man with cropped black hair and crystal-clear brown eyes, said he didn't tell any family members or friends before departing from his homeland. He proudly showed everyone the business card of a man he said was his cousin, who lives near Miami. He used a borrowed cell phone while standing on the curb to try to reach his family, but to no avail. He, too, said impoverished conditions propelled his decision.

"The top men, the big men, they have all the money, all the cars, five houses," he said. "And we have nothing. The rest of us have nothing."
Dictatorship of the proletariat fer sure!

From the same article though, the obvious question:
The incident drew questions as to how the men, in what appeared to be an unmarked boat, arrived undetected in Key West waters. The event occurred the same day that President George Bush elevated the national terror alert from yellow to orange -- the second-highest level -- prompting Americans to turn their thoughts to homeland security issues.
Oh yeah, the worker's paradise wants them back. Sorry wingnuts, but Bubba and Janet are long gone.