Sunday, June 02, 2002

Delusional Grandeur: Over at MSNBC, Eleanor Clift has lost the few marbles remaining in her possession and is postulating that Hillary is "positioning herself as a showy centrist for Campaign 2008". And all along I thought she was a shy centrist!

Meanwhile, Jill Nelson tees up knuckle dragging Klansman, Bobby Frank Cherry, as a lead-in to her punchline: " And racism still is not dead. That can only happen when Americans recognize the entrenched system of white privilege that disenfranchises not only black Americans, but all people of color, not only here, but around the world, and work to dismantle it." Jill does not share her plan with us, but I am sure it involves generous transfer payments, copious quantities of sack cloth and ashes, and double secret probation for all white males.