Saturday, December 14, 2002

It's a miracle!
Joe Soucheray in the St. Paul Pioneer Press:
Latino immigrants, apparently intending to bring their Catholicism to the argument, gathered outside a St. Paul courtroom the other day holding roses in honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. They weren't necessarily praying, but they were presupposing that Our Lady would have joined them in their opposition to having visa expiration dates printed on their licenses.

Nice try, but Our Lady of Guadalupe last appeared in public in 1531 at Tepeyac, near Mexico City, and left her image on a piece of cactus cloth that, miraculously, shows little sign of decay. There is nothing on the sacred image about driver's licenses.
The administrative ruling that Weaver managed to get accomplished despite a reluctant Legislature also requires a photograph with the license. I have to have mine on there. You have to have yours. But that is under protest as well from those who say that they should be allowed to decline having their photograph taken for religious reasons. Well, that's too bad. If I have to carry around a photograph on my license that makes me look like Nick Nolte after a three-day bender you can ask your maker for forgiveness for one lousy snapshot.
It's against my religion too.