Sunday, August 25, 2002

Merry Pronkster Update!
The BBC has a report with more details on the remarks of Jan Pronk, Special UN Envoy responsible for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (sic), whom I mentioned below. Here's the full complement of wisdom from this genius:

He said: "Post-September 11 last year, we have seen security being the overwhelming preoccupation of a country which is already safe.

"We have stoked up fears about aliens, strangers and 'illegals'. We can go for an exclusive society, with the poor and underdeveloped always excluded, or we can go for a world that is a safe place, where people have safe homes and jobs.

"We must stop this trend in inward-looking values, because if we fail to include everyone we will breed resentment, which may also breed violence."
Jan, perhaps you should shut your yap. It breeds resentment in the USA, which may also breed violence.