Eight months ago, in its December 2004 issue, the Washington Monthly printed a lengthy profile of Bob Novak by Amy Sullivan. This morning, Salon printed a lengthy profile of Bob Novak by Sidney Blumenthal. There were some striking similarities between the two.Ruh Oh! Here's a lightly edited example from the article to give you the flavor:
Amy SullivanNaughty Sid!
Swiveling in his chair, Novak went on the attack -- "It looks like the ambassador [Wilson] really doesn't know who leaked this to me"--punching back against the challenges of his guest, Rep. Harold Ford (D-Tenn.) -- "Do you know whether my source was in the White House? Do you know that at all?"
Sidney Blumenthal
Swiveling back and forth in his chair, he engaged in a show of bravado. "It looks like the ambassador [Wilson] really doesn't know who leaked this to me," he said. He turned to a guest on the show, Rep. Harold Ford of Tennessee, and asked, "Do you know whether my source was in the White House? Do you know that at all?"
The Salon piece does include a link to the Washington Monthly piece, and Blumenthal attributes one quote to Sullivan's work. The attribution and link were not included in the original piece, but were added sometime after.That was sure swell of him. You ever notice a certain aroma around the Clintons and all their hangers-on?
(Hat tip: Brothers Judd)