Saturday, January 18, 2003

(Title and link via Tim Blair) The Telegraph (UK) reveals that UN inspectors uncover proof of Saddam's nuclear bomb plans:
United Nations weapons inspectors have uncovered evidence that proves Saddam Hussein is trying to develop an arsenal of nuclear weapons, The Telegraph can reveal. The discovery was made following spot checks last week on the homes of two Iraqi nuclear physicists in Baghdad.

Acting on information provided by Western intelligence, the UN inspection teams discovered a number of documents proving that Saddam is continuing with his attempts to develop nuclear weapons, contrary to his public declarations that Iraq is no longer interested in producing weapons of mass destruction.
OK, Inspector Clouseau, here's where you should look! But as the title indicates:
Although Dr Hans Blix, the head of the UN inspections teams, was made aware of the discovery last week, he failed to mention it during talks with Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, and Jacques Chirac the French president.
That's more like it, Hans!

On the other hand, even the Guardian is backing war with Iraq (via Instapundit):
Military intervention in the Middle East holds many dangers. But if we want a lasting peace it may be the only option.
The Guardian! Where's my heart medicine?