Monday, September 02, 2002

Yet Another EcoWacko Alert (YAEWA)!
Cybercast News Service reveals Introduction of the Flush Toilet Deplored at Earth Summit:
Johannesburg ( - In what some see as a sign that the Earth summit is literally going down the drain, an environmentalist at the Earth summit here has lamented the introduction of the flush toilet.

One of the panelists taking part in a television special on the Earth summit complained about the "pernicious introduction of the flush toilet," according to Competitive Entreprise Institute President Fred Smith, who also was a panelist on the program.

The TV special, hosted by hosted PBS's Bill Moyers, was taped on Tuesday and is set to air Friday night.

A female panelist from India complained that the flush toilet encourages excessive water consumption around the world and is not ecologically friendly.

The remark prompted an associate of Smith, CEI's Chris Horner, to ponder what alternative the woman would suggest. "Presumably the preferred solution to human waste problems is now abstinence," Horner quipped.
Not a problem for the Greens, they're already full of more crap than a Christmas goose.
A critic of the green movement, Danish author Bjorn Lomborg, told, "Changing how we flush toilets is not going to change water supplies."

Lomborg also served as a panelist for the PBS television special and he said he, too, heard the Indian panelist condemn flush toilets during the show's taping.

According to Lomborg, household water consumption worldwide constitutes only 8 percent of total usage, so changing the way we flush will not have any significant impact on water usage, he said. Agriculture accounts for 69 percent of water usage, while industry uses 23 percent, Lomborg said.

''You don't start with making the 8 percent (household water consumption) more efficient,'' he said.
Also a tip of the hat to one of my favorite topics which is mentioned in the article: Al Gore toilets and toilet smuggling.