Sunday, April 10, 2005

Someone 'splain it to me!

Table Candy:
JANE Fonda and Sally Field will lead the Hollywood contingent at this year's White House Correspondents dinner at the end of the month as guests of Knight Ridder. Donald Trump, Jack Welch, Robert Duvall, Georgette Mosbacher and Patricia Duff are guests of John McLaughlin. Newsweek has secured the company of Richard Gere. "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone will be guests of the Denver Post. The dullest table could be ABC News, featuring liberal windbag Al Franken.
Why are these room temperature IQ preeners attending the "White House Correspondents dinner"? Well, it is getting harder to separate the reporters from the thespians. Of course, it'll be all right if ole Sally reprises her "You like me! You really like me!" speech.