Michael Moore Draws McCain Barb, Taunts from Crowd:
The biggest commotion at the Republican National Convention Monday night occurred just before 10 pm with the entrance of anti-Bush filmmaker Michael Moore, who was repeatedly halted by security attempting to reach his reserved press seat in section #340 near the side of the stage. Moore is writing a daily column this week for USA Today.Yeah, the fat boy looked real good natured.
Then, after taking his seat, he watched as Senator John McCain referred to a certain "disingenuous film-maker who would have us believe that Saddam's Iraq was an oasis of peace," and seemed to glance at Moore above him. Much of the audience erupted in boos and then, turning to Moore, many delegates shouted "Four more years!"
Moore waved, good-naturedly.

A short while later Moore exited, accompanied by heavy security. He told E & P on the way out that he was not fleeing: He had to speak to a Planned Parenthood gathering at a theater uptown.He should be the poster boy for Planned Parenthood.
Moore, dressed in his trademark red baseball cap and jeans, told E & P, "I don't why they are checking my credentials so much. I have the right credentials."Indeed

(Hat tip to the Freepers for the enhanced graphics. The middle one, however, is real.)