The Register, the online gossip mag for geeks, has an article by Andrew Orlowski with the winsome title of Webloggers deal Harvard blog-bores a black eye:
"Who is Dave Winer?" asks weblogger Atrios, echoing the concerns of dozens of mystified progressive and pro-Democrat bloggers this week.Ah yes, Atrios and Dave Winer in one sentence - time to don the biohazard suit AND the tinfoil beanie. It seems that Winer is trying to put together a blogging convention at Harvard and wants to charge the participants $500 to attend. This doesn't sit well with the leftoid blog elite, nor does the presence of the Instapundit as one of the scheduled speakers. See Winer's goofy letter of invitation here.
The best part though, is that it appears that the leftoid bloggers quoted in the article don't know that Dave Winer is a Kumbaya Kool Aid drinker just like themselves. I'm sure he thought he was doing the "progressive" cause a favor by inviting the usual suspects. Hey, confusion to the enemy.