Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Peoples Republic of Kalifornia Alert!
Something to remember when you see all the scare headlines about Gray Davis' huge budget "shortfall" in California. From October 2002, when Grayout won the first California Golden Fleece Award:
Over the past three years, California’s per capita general fund expenditures have jumped by more than 31 percent, while the state’s population grew only 5 percent. Keep in mind that if state spending had been held to 6.2 percent of personal income, as it was in 1998-99, there would be no budget deficit in California.

Mr. Davis also added 34,000 workers to the state payroll during his first three years in office, a greater increase than the next three largest states combined. And the state now spends $24 billion a year more than when he took office. Audaciously, the governor declared, "The problem is not spending. The problem is lack of revenue."
What a guy!