Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Tim Blair Says It All
From the Australian:
Australians who worry about offending murderous lunatics and urge silence on issues like terrorism are acting as though we've already been defeated, as though terrorists are rational people, who pay close attention to reasonable arguments and make considered judgments.

They don't.

Nobody who thinks it a valid political gesture to crash jets into skyscrapers or blow up nightclubs will be swayed by a cautious debate in the Senate or an arm's-length policy towards the US. Germany is against the war. One German died in Bali and 12 are missing.

Terrorists don't want liberty. They want death. They want to see the young girl walking around Sydney airport all Tuesday with a photograph in her hand, asking survivors returning from Bali if any of them had seen her big brother. She loved him. Did anyone know what had happened to him? Can you help me find him? Please?

It's impossible, but try to imagine what kind of monster would cause that, and would rejoice in it. Those are the sorts of people we're dealing with.
But it leads to great clarity for everyone but the terminally ignorant. Either we kill these thugs or they'll kill us.