Saturday, February 22, 2003

Hacker Hijinks Alert!
A poster on Free Republic has noticed that hitting the Watch Live - Iraq Satellite TV Channel button at the Iraq Daily, demonstrates that has been owned by a hacker:

Iraqi People Wake UP!
You have been deceived.
Your false god of Saddam
cannot stand up to the
loving, mighty God of Jehovah
and his son Christ!
Saddam is the evil poison that keeps your people in bondage. He has the black heart of a killer and he has killed many of your families and friends. Go back to the peaceful ways of your religion and find peace and prosperity by rejecting evil, hatred and prejudice. Saddam is using the same techniques as Hitler. He is preaching race superiority and nationalism and fear and using your natural instinct of survival against you!
Some nice photos of the U.S.S. Saratoga too.

Tsk, what will Uday say?

UPDATE: It looks like Iraq TV allowed the domain to lapse and some enterprising person grabbed it.