Thursday, July 08, 2004

Geeks Gone Wild!

Gadget Geeks Unite In Techno-Sexual Movement
Is it that important for a guy to have a stylish vacuum cleaner? It is apparently if you are a techno-sexual.

Ricky Montalvo is a techno-sexual who will help you get chic from your coffeepot to your stereo system.

Montalvo leads a team of Silicon Valley Tech workers who started the techno-sexual movement.

They say it is about style, culture and, of course, a lot of technology.

"You know, back in the day a woman wanted a guy who can change the oil, rake the leaves, and clean the rain gutters. We're saying the new ideal male is a guy who can set up her wireless DSL configuration at her home," Montalvo said.
Woohoo! The story seems big on technology and short on sex, but who knows? Maybe WiFi setup will replace "long walks on the beach" in singles ads. Then again, maybe not.