Here'a beauty from the
Raleigh News and Observer:
At a couple of minutes past 2 p.m., the healing began. Lynda Watson stood on the stage at the Rialto movie theater in Raleigh and invited the crowd to join her.
"I want to say something I haven't said in a loud voice for a while," she said. "I want to say it with friends. I'm proud to be a Democrat."
There's no accounting for taste, but what has ole Lynda so excited?
Watson, the executive director of the Wake County Democratic Party, had reason to be proud. With her Friday were 385 people who paid $9 each to catch the first showing of "Fahrenheit 9/11," the controversial new Michael Moore film.
About half of the money raised went into the party's coffers. But just as important, she said, was that, after some tough years, Wake Democrats were energized for the fall election.
"We're going to take back Wake County!" she declared.
Lotsa luck with that one, Lynda. In 2002, some local Democrat party organizations in the South tried out "The Democrat party was good enough for your parents" ads. Nice try, but except for the most benighted, the regular folks have noticed that it isn't Mom and Dad's Democrat party anymore. And the Kool-Aid drinkers only take you so far. They better get working on the vote fraud.