Thursday, January 08, 2004

Asshat Brasshat - part 1

I've been having so much fun with the wisdom of Howie that I haven't been giving sufficient time to delusional Wesley Clark.

Wesley Clark the barking moonbat

But not to worry, Jay Nordlinger has it well in hand at NRO:
He is more appalling than most people know, I think: utterly scoundrelly on the stump. We think of Kucinich, Sharpton, and Moseley Braun as the fringe candidates. But have you gotten a strong whiff of Wes Clark? Pretty fringy, actually.
The general has told us, "I'm one of those people who doesn't believe in occupying countries to extract their natural resources. I think you buy them on the world market." Because, as you all know, the United States is in Iraq to extract their oil, and not buy it on the world market. You did know that, didn't you? Haven't you read your Noam Chomsky, or the speeches of Wesley Clark?

Clark is almost never "credited" with being as flaky and offensive as he is. He repeatedly charges President Bush with personal culpability in the death of 3,000 people on September 11. He completely exonerates the Clinton administration, saying that it had no time to do anything about al Qaeda (seriously). He claims that the Iraq war was a great diversion from our alleged failures against al Qaeda, and that this diversion was the trick of "neocons." (The general has gotten with the lingo.)
Pretty slimey, eh? But don't worry he's a genius:
And his arrogance is clumsy. For example, in a television interview, when he was acknowledging a previous "bobble," he said, "I don't want to give any excuses for this. A Rhodes scholar is not ever supposed to make a mistake."

Uh, did you know he was a Rhodes scholar? Now you do!
In that case, what happened to the Mercedes with the top secret radio system, Weasley?

Is it any surprise that Weasley's the worst sort of pond scum? After all, he's the Clinton's sock puppet. Oh wait, Bubba was a Rhodes Scholar too!