Monday, December 22, 2003

The Wisdom of Howard Dean - part 2

The Big Fella points to a Deano quote that I almost missed from an interview with Newsweek:

Moonbat Howard Dean - "Where's my saucer?"

Q: What would you do to restore relations with our allies?

A: If I win, I'm going to go, before I am inaugurated, on a world tour of the countries we desperately need to repair our relations with. And not just in Europe, but also in Asia and in Latin America. We're talking a little presumptuously here because the votes haven't been cast in one primary yet. But I've thought about this a lot.

Did it hurt?

Or as Allah opines:
Grovel Tour '04! "Hello, Paris. Anyone here tonight think my country sucks? Yeaaaahhhhh!!"
Has Jimmy Carter been advising Deano?