Ted Byfield in the Edmonton Sun - I'm starting to think PM is senile:
The odds changed last week in Canada's "Explain Chretien" contest. What might be called the Alzheimer explanation is now ahead in the running. There are, of course, three favoured ways of accounting for the prime minister's increasingly bizarre conduct:Follow the link for more fun with the Cretin.
First, the "world statesman" explanation. Chretien is establishing himself as a valiantly outspoken critic of the Americans and a born-again social spender to secure Third World support in his campaign to become secretary-general of the United Nations.
Second, the "get Martin" explanation. Chretien, having been cheated by Paul Martin out of a chance to become the only Canadian prime minister ever to win four straight majorities, is zealously making sure that when he retires the country has been rendered virtually ungovernable.
Third, the "dementia" explanation (otherwise known as "the Alzheimer"). Ever since they forced him to quit, Chretien has been steadily slipping into senility, so that now what we're hearing from him amounts to mere raving.
Now, as readers know, I've heretofore held to the world statesman thesis. While everything he says becomes more and more - as Joe Clark put it last week - "just plain dumb," the man aches for one last hurrah, and the UN job would be it. True, he has little hope of achieving this, but he also had little hope achieving nearly all the things he's already achieved.
However, I admit that last week's developments sharply strengthen the Alzheimer theory.