Monday, February 03, 2003

And speaking of whines...
Ernst Blofeld, er, Maurice Strong came back from North Korea and put a bug in Kofi's ear:
Secretary-General Kofi Annan appealed for funds Monday to "avert a major humanitarian crisis" in North Korea and create better conditions to peacefully resolve the nuclear standoff.

Annan's urgent appeal followed talks with his personal envoy, Maurice Strong, who visited North Korea last month and told the secretary-general that desperately needed food and medicine will soon be unavailable.

After his visit, Strong warned that the pipeline of food and medicine that 6 to 8 million North Koreans depended on was drying up and there was "an urgent need to keep that pipeline flowing."

North Korea has been relying on outside aid since the mid-1990s to help feed its 22 million people.
But Wingnuttico Magnifico has enough spare change for his own nuclear weapons program. Pardon me if I don't get my wallet out.