Saturday, November 23, 2002

Wackiness from all over (some via Fark)
The Sunday Times (free registration required) is on a roll with Russians used EU aid to make vodka and US universities compete for sexiest scholars in academe:
"Ten years ago black and Asian scholars were at a premium as colleges tried to catch up with changing times. Now it’s brilliant young women teaching sexy subjects."
Even worse, Tim Blair reports that England is now under Taliban rule, and in a similar vein, I was shocked to read 'Porn' party girl sacked.

That might want to make you leave the Olde Countrie, but I'd skip Peru after reading the Sun story, Bug was living in my back. Ewwww! But there's apparently still fun to be had in Canada, according to Girls at elite school go on rampage. In the Antipodes they are having their own brand of fun in New Zealand:
A wild and woolly adventure for two Dunedin police constables ended with one of them handcuffing a sheep after it assaulted his colleague yesterday. If the officers weren't feeling sheepish enough, the incident went from bad to worse when they discovered the key to the handcuffs was missing.
Meanwhile in Australia, two German tourists sadly didn't quit while they were ahead.

And of course, the good ole USA has its own animal stories. Since it is deer season, how about Wounded deer gives hunter the fight of his life? Indeed, things are different in the Upper Peninsula.

Of course, some of the animals are two-legged. From South Africa, the Independent Online reports that:
The police in Sedgefield are closely monitoring a man with the rather odd habit of throwing rotten fish at people.
No, it wasn't Al Gore on his book tour. Speaking of geniuses, one in South Carolina was indicted
... for allegedly trying to extort $3 million by falsely claiming to be the kidnapper of Elizabeth Smart.

Walter Kenneth Holloway, of Charleston, S.C., allegedly sent more than three dozen e-mails claiming he was the kidnapper and demanding ransom.

Smart, then 14, disappeared from her bedroom June 5. The case remains unsolved.
The FBI found Holloway, who was using the screen name "Elizabethsmartkidnapper," by serving his Internet service provider with a subpoena for account information.
Finally for you bike riding gentlemen - A study of bike-riding cops found high rates of erectile dysfunction and groin numbness. Uh Oh!