Friday, November 19, 2004

Today's Biscuits and Gravy

Bill 'Captain Queeg' Clinton Threatens Peter Jennings

Jordan's Queen Noor at an Arkansas Comfort Inn!. Kevin Spacey too! (But not together.)

Radio host calls Rice 'Aunt Jemima'. Madison, Wisconsin, where else? (Besides Berkeley, Ithaca, ....)

Trashing Condi Rice:
Now you can see the intolerance of the left. Their message is simple: minorities are good as long as they know their place. And the place for minorities is in the Democratic Party and on the liberal side of the political fence. Stray from the designated minority path and you get what Condi Rice is getting now.
Mad cow removed from party!

Baghdad Jim McDermott claims wiretapping is a 1st Amendment right

Join Friends of Hillary and receive a free bumper sticker. I'll pass, but maybe Hugh Jorgasm would like one.

And last but not least - Blues brother leads police on chase at airport (Elvis was there too):
Police in Crystal, Minn., found themselves living a scene right out of a movie when they got in a car chase at Crystal Airport (MIC) with a man dressed as Jake Blues, John Belushi's character in the 1980 movie "The Blues Brothers."

According to authorities, the Blues brother and an Elvis impersonator had been drinking at a bar near the airport. Police were called to the scene when "Elvis" began having convulsions. When police got to the scene, the man jumped up and began belting out show tunes.

Two women at the bar then told police that "Jake Blues" had stolen their car and driven to the airport.

Two police cars went to the airport and found the man, still in the stolen vehicle, parked between two hangars. A high speed chase ensued with the man trying to elude police by driving between hangars and across an active runway. Police were finally able to stop him by pinning his car between theirs. All three vehicles were wrecked, but no one was injured.