Sunday, July 11, 2004

Notes in passing

MICHAEL MOORE IS A BIG FAT STUPID WHITE MAN, by David T. Hardy and Jason Clarke makes the NY Times best-seller list.

In the UK, they're questioning turnstile jumpers about their immigration status, while in the USA the usual suspects get their knickers in a twist if an illegal alien gets nabbed out of sight of the border. However, the long suffering citizens think it's a pretty good idea. You know, kind of like the law? Speaking of which, check out Lawyer corners Latino market. Of course, as usual with the flying monkeys in the press, subsitute "illegal alien" for "Latino" as an aid to comprehension.

Another for Tim Blair's collection of turkeys from the New York Times:
An article last Sunday about surprises in politics referred incorrectly to the turkey carried by President Bush during his unannounced visit to American troops in Baghdad over Thanksgiving. It was real, not fake.
Same for the turkeys at the Times.