Thursday, July 10, 2003

Did that French guy serve in Vietnam?
(Via Instapundit) Virginia Postrel remarks on the Esquire (dead tree version) photo album of the Democrat presidential candidates:
The captions, by photographer Michael Edwards, describe how the shots were set up, and they generally make the candidates sound like pleasant guys--with one big exception. I did not make this first sentence up:
Senator Kerry's initial idea for the shoot was to pose with his wife on the type of gunboat he captained in the Vietnam War.
But the final photo was even better:
Kerry is on the phone in the photo, looking away from the camera, while his wife faces forward and gestures as though she's throwing something at us. Compared even to the awkward-looking Howard Dean, it's not a flattering picture. Kerry seems self-absorbed, and his wife seems weird.
Sounds pretty lifelike to me!