Friday, January 06, 2006

Did the Germans just find the Web or what?

First it was pesky Heidi Klum, now it's Blogger Threatened to be Sued by Sozialgericht Bremen for Appearing in Google:
Bjoern Harste is a well-known German blogger – he owns a supermarket and writes about his daily experiences at work in his Shopblogger blog. Now, he received a Cease & Desist by the Sozialgericht Bremen (I’m not sure, but I think they’re a government law institution I’m paying with my taxes a court of law for dealing with cases in the area of German social services) for having one of his blog posts appear in the Google results top ten for “Sozialgericht Bremen,” Welcome to the world wide web, Sozialgericht, and welcome to Google.
More by following the link, but here's the nut:
So, everyone, if you want to help out the Sozialgericht Bremen, stop linking to the Shopblogger using these words.
OK, no more Sozialgericht Bremen links for me, fer sure!