Monday, October 03, 2005

Finally! An explanation for the NY Times!

The Curmudgeon 'splains it all - Inside the Times Shower Room:
When the Times' TV critic Alessandra Stanley wrote that she witnessed Fox News' Geraldo Rivera nudging a Katrina rescue worker out of the way, so his camera crew could tape him as he helped lift an older woman in a wheelchair to safety," she was lying. I watched the tape the next day, and could tell it was not a factual story. Even the WaPost's Howard Kurtz was quick to defend Geraldo. It took the Times a month and a threatened lawsuit to admit the "error." Here's what's really going on.

Such is the climate at the Times, that Stanley wanted to join in the towel snapping, ass slapping camaraderie that is prevalent in the New York Time's locker room -- for those who write anti-conservative articles.
*Snap* Good one Kruggy, you nailed Rove on that one.
*Snap* Maureen you beautiful bitch, nobody is better at calling Bush a snot.
*Snap* Frank Rich, you magnificent bastard. "Bush is a Nazi!" OMG, Let me buy you lunch.
Hmm, The New York Times locker room. There's a thought I'd rather do without.