Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Retard meets his petard!

White Champion of 'Diversity' Rages at Loss to Black
Oops. It seems that supposedly liberal supporters of what they call "affirmative action" have second thoughts when they're the victims of it.

U.S. Rep. Chris Bell, a freshman "European-American" Democrat in Texas, is furious after being crushed in the primary yesterday by Al Green, a former head of Houston's chapter of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Bell, placed in a mostly non-white area by redistricting, courtesy of the majority Republicans, fumed, "I'm not going to stand here and pretend that it's not somewhat heartbreaking when you've spent your entire career in public service fighting for diversity, championing diversity, to suddenly be placed in a situation where many people do not want to look past the color of your skin."
Where's my violin? I feel a big sad coming on.