Saturday, December 06, 2003

Idle hands do the devil's work

And no one has more idle hands than the United Nations - WHO wants 'Twinkie tax' to discourage junk foods:
The World Health Organization has proposed that nations consider taxing junk foods to encourage people to make healthier food choices, but some groups say that a "Twinkie tax" will be hard to swallow.
All the usual suspects are piping up to say that it's a swell idea. Even the critics can't seem to just say that it's none of their damn business.

On the other hand, I see a great future for the "Twinkie Deprivation" defense.

In related news - Drop That Ashtray!:
Where are the New York Civil Liberties Union busybodies when you really need them?

Just sitting on their butts?

While Mayor Bloomberg's ashtray posse is out there kicking down doors?

Recent reports demonstrate only too well what Mayor Mike's anti-smoking holy war has degenerated into.

Now they're busting folks for possession.

Not of cigarettes.

Of ashtrays.
Stacked in a back room.

But here's a relief - U.N.: Yellowstone no longer 'in danger':
The World Heritage Committee has decided to remove its "in danger" designation from Yellowstone National Park. In a lengthy report, the committee "urges the State Party (the United States) to continue to report on Yellowstone's snowmobile phase-out and other efforts to ensure that winter travel facilities respect the protection of the Park, its visitors and its wildlife," and "invites" the United States "to provide to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004, existing recovery plans setting out targets and indicators for the six remaining long-term management issues (mining activities outside the park, threats to bison, threats to cutthroat trout, water-quality issues, road impacts, visitor-use impacts)."

"Urges," and "invites" is the language used by the U.N. to support its claim that it has no authority to dictate land-use policy in the United States. Nevertheless, ratification of the World Heritage Treaty obligates the United States to comply with the " urgings and invitations" of the U.N.
All these busybodies give me an urge too.