Friday, May 30, 2003

Matrix Reloaded Factoid Time!
Seeing Jim Treacher's belated review of the The Matrix Reloaded reminds me that I haven't seen anyone else mention the following. Remember the evil albino twins? Well the cast notes at reveal that the actors are:
Neil and Adrian Rayment

NEIL AND ADRIAN RAYMENT came to THE MATRIX RELOADED through their extensive karate and kung fu experience. Both are Nidan JKA Black Belt Shotokan Karate instructors, as well as professional fitness consultants. They are trained in Karate Do, Kuko Schin-Kai, Wu-Tai and Boxing.
OK so far, but...
The Rayments live in London, where they are very popular lifestyle television presenters. Their credits include Granada Television’s Simply DIY; breakfast television’s Lifestyle This Morning; ITV’s Better Homes and Live Time Granada Breeze.
"Lifestyle television presenters" and karate? I hope Martha Stewart doesn't hear about this! She's dangerous enough as it is.