Friday, January 10, 2003

Quick, while they aren't watching!
Dissecting Leftism and Gweilo Diaries report that Communist China has blocked Blogspot. In that case, it must be time for a little humor:
Pilot Hero Wang Wei: "Jet Boy"

Most concerned world citizens only know Wang Wei as the pilot hero who single handedly stopped an imperialist attack on the homeland by flying his plane into the hegemonist aircraft. But comrades on the farms outside the village of Heap Dung in Zhejiang province remember him well as a young Socialist who always wanted to be a pilot protecting the Socialist Revolution. Auntie Xhou, a toothless 40 year old says "We were all toilers, but Wang Wei's elderly father, Wang Lo was our Party leader and was away most of the time at the provincial capital in Hangzhou. His young wife Lo Pants was a Party activist and teacher who spent all her time exhorting the young men of the of the village to increase their Socialist labors. Many was the night we heard her voice in the darkness calling 'More! More! More!'".

As a result when Wang Wei was born, he was raised by the village of Heap Dung itself and became their favorite son. Even as a boy he wanted to be a pilot and fashioned a "pilot's helmet" from dung from the fields. Then he would stretch his arms wide and run around the socialist toilers crying " Xoom! Xoom! I am Jet Boy! I am strafing you imperialist lackeys for I have the guiding spirit of the Great Helmsman! A-a-a-a-a-a-a!"

Some anti-Socialist youth resented his rightful exuberance and referred to him as "Dung Hat", "Jet Bottom", or "Buffalo Hole". One time after he upset the village harvest cart in the settling lagoon while "strafing" it, these youth buried him to his neck in a hill of fresh dung. All that changed when his father returned to the village with a platoon of Security Police for a re-education session. Wang Wei was fondly known thereafter by everyone as Jet Boy!