Friday, October 04, 2002

'Do Over" Alert!
Oklahoma Republicans try to head them off at the pass - Republican Chairman Asks Walters to Stay in the Race:
OKLAHOMA CITY - Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Chad Alexander today asked Democrat Party Chairman, Jay Parmley, and candidate David Walters to assure the voters of Oklahoma that the Democrat Party will not seek to replace Walters as their party's nominee for United State Senate.

"Given the fact that David Walters is 24 points down in the polls, has an ethically and legally challenged past and tries to drag his opponent down to his level with attacks and lies, I want to make sure he continues his candidacy," Alexander said. "I would hate to see something happen in Oklahoma like what just took place in Bob Torricelli's senate race in New Jersey. Up there, Torricelli found himself 14 points down in the polls and had a past similar to David Walters'. He dropped out of the race and created a problem in the state's court system so the Democrats could replace him with a viable candidate. I wouldn't want that for Oklahoma.
If they thought they could get away with it, they would do it.