Monday, September 30, 2002

Yee Haw!
Word from the American Prowler on the new Presidential Palace:
Sen. John Edwards likes to call himself "The People's Senator" when he's down-home in North Carolina. And he likes to play the part, hiring traditional bluegrass bands to entertain at parties, and really hamming it up with his corn pone accent when speaking to the crowds.

Well, darn if the Sen. Edwards done bought hisself a big ol' house for his kin and extended kin to visit when they come to the big city.

Edwards has just signed a contract to purchase a $3.8 million Georgetown home. Apparently the house he and his family had been living in, a $2.2 million four-story red-brick mansion that backed up to the home of Clinton golfing buddy Vernon Jordan, lacked something. But the Edwards's new 8-bedroom, 6,672-square- foot abode is said to come with a see-ment pond nearby for the children. So next time you find yourself without a place to put your feet up, come on by now, ya hear?
Only in America - a poor country boy works his way to financial bounty as a personal injury lawyer. I wonder if he jumps up at the sound of an ambulance?