Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Insufficient nuance alert!

Janet Albrechtsen in the Australian:
"Some people think I'm simplistic," Reagan said, "but there's a difference between being simplistic and being simple. My theory of the Cold War is that we win and they lose. What do you think about that?"
I kinda like the sound of it!
If Reagan ushered in "Morning in America" (his 1984 campaign theme) with an optimism that was to defeat the Soviet empire, then perhaps, just perhaps, George W. Bush and his coalition partners have ushered in morning in Iraq, offering Iraqis an optimism that will allow them too to succeed.
Perhaps, just perhaps, Bush - and John Howard - understand the big picture here in a way that is beyond the foreign policy experts, the journalists and the reflexive anti-US commentators. Presidents and prime ministers are paid to look for the big picture, for the history-making change. Others, especially journalists, deal in today's minutiae, not the macro movements. They analyse and agonise over tomorrow's fish wrappings. Political leaders must deal with history.
Unless you are a "political leader" in the Democrat party where agonizing over minutia is a way of life and your last Presidential candidate raised it to a true art form.