Wednesday, December 03, 2003

And while I'm thinking about the taxpayers

Claudia Bermudez at Chronwatch has an interesting story about hijinks in Nicaragua - "Secretary Powell's Words Cause Chain Reaction in Nicaragua". I won't try to explain the main story which features Daniel Ortega, the Castroite thug and former dictator who still controls the army and the judiciary. Hence:
American Ambassador to Nicaragua, Barbara Moore, a lady with a lot of guts, in my opinion, sent a memo to the Supreme Court and accused it of being ''corrupt and politicized.'' The Supreme Court bounced back a memo of its own demanding the U.S. not meddle in their affairs and in Nicaragua's sovereignty.

On Friday, my holy-annual-holiday of holiday shopping was interrupted by a report that, in reaction to the Supreme Court's reaction, the U.S. complied with the request to butt out and WHACKED--or rather, cut--$49 million of financial assistance to Nicaragua's judiciary until it can ''reevaluate the programs.''
It's always good to know that the US taxpayers have $49 million to spare for Communist thugs.