Friday, November 07, 2003

Dustbin of History Alert!

Communists picket Matrix premiere to celebrate revolution
Communists picketed the Moscow premiere of The Matrix: Revolutions to celebrate the jubilee of the Russian revolution.

A group of 32 youngsters wore red T-shirts, Soviet army helmets and Matrix-style dark glasses outside the Pushkinskiy cinema.
Snappy dressers!
They each held up neon-lit letters which spelt out the slogans "We are NEO-communists" and "Destroy the Matrix".

According to Communist Party ideologists, the Matrix series' central hero Neo is a genuine communist, reports Kommersant.

Oleg Bondarenko, Communist party youth movement leader, said there was "no difference" between Neo and Lenin as revolutionaries.
Lenin knew Kung Fu?

Follow the link for a photo. They look like a reincarnation of Devo.