Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Weasley Alert!
Seems that Wesley Clark got invited to speak at the CItadel by Philip Lader, a visiting professor of political science who was ambassador to Great Britain during the Clinton administration. About 150 people showed up to hear the candidate stupefy the crowd - Clark Calls for a 'New American Patriotism'. There was something the matter with the old fashioned kind? Who knew?

Anyhow, here's the gist of what Mr. Precious Bodily Fluids had on his mind:
Gen. Wesley K. Clark called today for "a new American patriotism" that would encourage broader public service, respect domestic dissent even in wartime and embrace international organizations like the United Nations.
"We've got to have a new kind of patriotism that recognizes that in times of war or peace democracy requires dialogue, disagreement and the courage to speak out," General Clark said. "And those who do it should not be condemned, but be praised."
Which means exactly what, Weasley? You planning on prohibiting snarky comments about Susan Sarandon? Zzzzz.
General Clark made it clear he believed that the administration had unfairly focused on whole classes of immigrants, for fear of a minority within them.

"Three million Muslims have come to this country from Asia and the Middle East," he said. "They didn't come because they were afraid of our values. They came because they wanted to live under them."
Sucking down the CAIR Kool Aid, eh Wes? Sheesh, the biggest criticism is that the administration doesn't focus on where the problem is. C'mon Granny, drop your socks, you might be carrying a nail file!

And then there's this:
Today was Day 6 of the campaign, and General Clark's 20-minute stump speech at the hastily arranged event here had a few rough patches.

"Patriotism doesn't consist of following the orders, not, not not when you're not in the chain of command," the general said, stumbling over his words and catching himself before he inadvertently encouraged insubordination in the ranks.
Easy for you to say, Weasel Boy!