Thursday, May 29, 2003

Veiled Wingnuttery
You may remember from January the case of Sultaana Freeman, the Florida woman who was suing because she was not allowed to wear her veil for her driver's license photo. There had been some minor news about the lawsuit recently, but today over at LGF we've got the real goods. In a nutshell, Sultaana (formerly Sandra Keller) has an unveiled photo - it's a mugshot from when she was arrested and convicted of beating a foster child. Oh yeah, she covered the kid's bruises with a Muslim outfit.

But the best part is the pointer from a reader to a CNN article that details the laws of some Muslim countries on license photos:
Driver’s identification rules in Muslim nations:
Saudi Arabia: Women aren't allowed to drive
Iran: Women wear a traditional chador, which does not cover the face.
Egypt: Women do not cover their face in I.D. pictures
United Arab Emirates: Women do not cover their face in I.D. pictures
Oman: Women do not cover their face in I.D. pictures
Kuwait: Women do not cover their face in I.D. pictures
Qatar: Women do not cover their face in I.D. pictures
Bahrain: Women do not cover their face in I.D. pictures
Jordan: Women can drive if their faces are covered but do not cover their face in I.D. pictures
Well, she could always opt for the Saudi Arabian solution.