Wednesday, April 09, 2003

About the flag on the statue's head
Stephen Farrell in the UK Times has the following in his Victory in the 21-day war:
"YANKEE bastard," yelled the young British peacenik at the first American tank to roll up to the Palestine Hotel. "Go home."

She picked a man who had waited for 576 days to give his answer. Marine First Lieutenant Tim McLaughlin leant from the turret of his Abrams tank - nickamed "Satan’s Right Hand" - and screamed back: "I was at the Pentagon September 11. My co-workers died. I don’t give a f***."

Lieutenant McLaughlin had with him a Stars and Stripes that he had been given at the Pentagon that fateful day. In Baghdad’s Paradise Square, he handed the flag to Corporal Edward Chin, who climbed a giant statue of Saddam and draped it over the deposed dictator’s head.

It was there only briefly; the gesture raised hardly a cheer from the gathering crowd and a black, white and red Iraqi flag quickly replaced it as a scarf around the statue’s neck. That, too, was removed to make way for the winch that would bring down the hated figure.
More on the Lieutenant and the situation in Baghdad by following the link.

And I would give the same answer as Lieutenant McLaughlin to the media whiners who have been carping about it all day.

UPDATE: Info on Corporal Edward Chin in N.Y. Family Watched As Marine Hung Flag.