Kevin Rudd's hopes of becoming Prime Minister have been rocked by a visit to a New York strip club where he was warned against inappropriate behaviour during a drunken night while representing Australia at the United Nations.
Mr Rudd yesterday issued a statement to The Sunday Telegraph, confirming he went to the club. But he said he could not recall what happened at the night spot because he had "had too much to drink''.
"If my behaviour caused any offence to anybody whatsoever that evening, I of course wholeheartedly apologise'' he said.
Mr Rudd went to the Manhattan "gentlemen's club'' Scores in September, 2003, when he was Shadow foreign affairs minister.
He was in New York at taxpayers' expense as a bipartisan observer at the UN. Mr Rudd went to the club, which is a well-known haunt of UN diplomats and journalists, with New York Post editor Col Allan and Northern Territory Labor MP Warren Snowdon.
That's OK, Kevin - being a lefty means you'll be forgiven, but if you need some tips just put in a call to Ted Kennedy. The weekend is a bad time, of course, but whenever Ted sobers up I'm sure he'll give you a jingle with some good advice.
This is via Tim Blair who observes that "Haven’t been to the club in question, but things have to get pretty lively at these joints before you’re shown the door." Indeed. The article referenced explains what goes on at Scores, which is pretty much what goes on at any strip club but with higher prices, but here's the nut:
One customer review on the NY City Search site notes: "Scores has the best bouncers among all gentleman clubs in NY City. "They do not interfere unless you really cross the limit."
I wonder what ole Kevin was trying to stuff in her g-string? Kevin says he was too drunk to remember, but there must have been plenty of witnesses. C'mon folks, drop a dime.