Mexico may sue reservist in migrant detention:
The Mexican government is considering filing a lawsuit against a U.S. Army reservist who detained seven Mexican illegal immigrants at gunpoint in Arizona, a Mexican official said yesterday. Prosecutors in Arizona declined to charge the man.No word on the Mexican government and the "human rights group" helping out the American citizens who live along the border and are terrorized every day by illegal aliens.
The Mexican government is discussing the lawsuit with a human rights group based in Los Angeles, said Geronimo Gutierrez, the Mexican deputy foreign secretary for North America.
Wait there's more! Mexico's embattled first lady writes book:
First lady Marta Sahagun, battered by several unflattering biographies, promoted her own book Friday describing her rise from provincial schoolgirl to the leader of a large and controversial charity organization.Sounds like Eva Peron!
Sahagun's appearance at a book fair in the central state of Guanajuato came just days after a new book by journalist Olga Wornat accused Sahagun's three sons of enriching themselves through preferential treatment by the government.Sheesh, her hubby is pimping out the citizens of his country and she's whining about moral damages. Ole Vincente really ought to keep a bunch of shysters on retainer. In both the USA and Mexico.
Sahagun's 131-page book "Caminando," or "Walking," does not directly address Wornat's accusations. But she issued a statement earlier denying them, and has since announced she will file a lawsuit against Wornat for "moral damages."
But it's not all bad news for Vincente - Mexicans Working Abroad Send Record $$$ Home:
Mexicans living abroad sent more than $4 billion home in the first quarter of 2005. The Bank of Mexico says that's a 20% increase over the same period last year.I'll bet Vincente is all excited! Of course, it may just be a reporting anomaly:
Such remittances are Mexico's second largest source of foreign income after oil.
Nearly 11 million native born Mexicans live abroad, 98% of them in the United States.
Officials believe remittances have increased, in part, because it's become cheaper and easier to send money home.It used to be going to Mexico in someone's pocket.