Saturday, February 19, 2005

Kofi tries to get by with a little help from his friends

C'mon kids! Dig deep for the kleptocrats!

Surprise, surprise, surprise! As Kofi's big PR offensive ambles along, who shows up but the United Nations Foundation spending some of Ted Turner's vanished billion on! If you want to know the UN party line, that's the place; but I'll save you much tedious reading of bureaucratese by providing the Cliff's Notes version.

  • Nasty US reporters and Congressmen are being real mean to Kofi Annan over Oil-For-Food, but that's not fair because:

  • No one has been convicted of anything yet

  • And even if the UN kleptocrats were dipping into the till, Saddam was getting money elsewhere too

  • Hey, Kofi Annan's a busy guy!

Sounds like an affirmative defense, fer sure! Gosh, the UN Foundation really knows how to put lipstick on the pig.

But here's even better news - it turns out that the UN Foundation is all trendy and modern, so they spent some more of Ted's bucks and now have themselves a blog with posts and a blogroll and everything! Let's see what's hot with the UN Weenies:

Climate Change Event at the United Nations
Oooh - press release time!
Student Spearheads 'Measles Initiative' Fund-Raiser
Darfur Latest: Annan Urges Immediate Action
Humor too!
Media Matters: FOX Special Smears Kofi Annan
Ted Turner's flying monkeys get some help from George Soros' flying monkeys!

I tell ya, I'm going to be stopping by there often for the latest poop! Of course, I'm still pining for posts on Teresa Heinz's blog too.