Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Geeky Fun!

For all the bloggers bedeviled by comment spam - Comment Spam Defense Now A Full-Fledged Web Standard :
According to Jeremy Zawodny on the Yahoo blog, the new "nofollow" tag is not just a Google solution; the comment spam defense is being implemented by every major player in the search / blogging universe. Implementing the new standard are: saerch engines Google, Yahoo, MSN, as well as blog software Blogger (from Google), TypePad, MovableType, LiveJournal (from Six Apart), MSN Spaces and WordPress.
More by following both links. Of course, it's less direct than hanging the spammers from tall trees by sensitive portions of their anatomy.

Meanwhile, in a printed PC Connection catalog that I received, there's an ad for a huge, honking new "laptop":
No Compromise Desktop Replacement

New! HP Compaq NX9500 Series Notebooks

Want the freedom and flexibility of mobile computing without sacrificing the power of your desktop? The nx9500 offers all the power you can handle: Pentium 4 processors up to 3.4 GHz, 800 MHz front side bus speed, and battery life measured in seconds.
It's truth in advertising, I guess.

We now return to the regularly scheduled japery.