Friday, December 03, 2004

I didn't know that!

Fun Facts about the United Nations:
* The U.S. created the United Nation in 1945 in an effort to centralize pointless squabbling.
* The U.N. has expanded its job to getting kickbacks for their members and hating Israel.

* Most of the voting in the U.N. is for non-binding resolutions that hold no weight. It's like internet polls with more Jew-hating.
* While the U.N. never actually stops massacres and genocide, they do have endless debate about them. And isn't that better than nothing?
* The U.N. headquarters in N.Y. and is technically not U.S. property. If you beat up some U.N. guy, the U.N. police would be the ones to try and arrest you. All you would have to do is then step out of the building and they wouldn't have jurisdiction over you. Then you could tell a NY cop, "I just beat up a U.N. guy!" and he'd be like, "Cool!" Then the U.N. police would yell from their front door, "He beat up some guy here. You extradite him back into this building!" And the cop would answer, "No." Heh, that's funny.
Many more obscure tidbits by following the link.