Saturday, November 27, 2004

Biscuits and Gravy - Nov. 27, 2004

Just a small helping today, since I have to head out to the lower forty to work off the pumpkin pie:

Annan's Son Took Payments Through 2004 - The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Heroes of Turtle Bay
The New York State Legislature has come in for quite a lot of brickbats lately, most of them deserved. But no one can accuse them of equating Zionism with racism, nor making excuses for bloody tyrants, nor looking the other way during genocide. Or, for that matter, taking bribes from Saddam Hussein. This is why it warms our hearts to see those battered Albany pols questioning the continued utility of the welcome mat that New York has extended this past half-century to the United Nations.
and related - Anti-U.N. Drive Is Spreading in Legislature
"I intend ... to get up on the floor and to speak out as strongly as I possibly can against this cesspool called the United Nations," Mr. Hikind said. "I intend to speak on the subject and to do everything humanly possible to stir things up and get people excited. I don't want to do anything to help the United Nations."

"I do believe in international cooperation," he said. "I do believe in a perfect world where nations would work together. ...But that's not what the United Nations is all about. ...On principle, I want to do everything to make their life miserable."
Congress threatens to cut aid in fight over criminal court whines the Guardian:
The US Congress has launched a fresh attack on the international criminal court at The Hague, threatening to cut off development aid to countries who refuse to guarantee immunity from prosecution for Americans at the tribunal.
Gosh, it sounds like a win-win to me!

Foreign aid subject to parking fine deductions
Frustrated by deadbeat foreign diplomats, the U.S. Congress has voted to cut aid to their countries by about the sum they owe in unpaid parking tickets.

At the urging of New York lawmakers, Congress tucked the measure -- to cut aid to countries next year by 110 percent of the amount their diplomats owe in parking tickets and penalties -- into the huge $388 billion spending bill lawmakers approved over the weekend.

New York City, which houses the United Nations, would stand to recover about $195 million from about 200 countries, New York's senators said.
They only quote Schumer, but senators implies Hillary!

Move America Forward has new TV ads for "U.N. Out of U.S. " Of course, I'd like "U.S. Out of U.N." too.

As they're sprung from prison, job-seeking New York-area ex-cons are being advised in a manual given them by parole officers to fill that questionable gap on their résumés by lying about the time they've done, The Post has learned.

An ex-prisoners' manual, published by the New York Public Library under a state contract, is filled with useful tips on how to cook up whoppers to explain time spent in the big house — such as saying you freelanced, worked for a bankrupt company or were self-employed.
Or you could just say you worked at the United Nations.