Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Today's Hoot!

From American Digest:

The Tragedy of Omlet, Prince of Massachusetts
Omlet Act 3, Scene 1

SCENE I. A cabin in the Gulfsteam, 40,000 feet over New Jersey.

To be or not to be President: that is my platform:
Whether 'tis more nuanced to vote for before against
The 87 billion of outrageous appropriation,
Or to make my case upon the seas of health care,
And by raising taxes get it fully funded? To windsurf: to trap-shoot:
To say "I cannot bring a gun to the debate." Oh end
The heart-ache and the thousand polling shocks
This campaign is heir to, tis a consume
Devoutly to be reheated. To be elected, to rule;
To rule: perchance to decide: ay, there's the belly rub;
Soft me now!
The fair Teresa! Nymph, in thy checkbook
Be all my ambitions, stubs.

A full soliloquy by following the link. And while you're there, check out this trip down memory lane with the usual suspects at CBS.