Tuesday, May 18, 2004

More of John Kerry's Greatest Hits

Kerry used enemy to win battle at home: Pact with communist Sandinistas 'trademark' of his statecraft:
In his first major foreign-policy action as a U.S. senator nearly 20 years ago, John Kerry accused the United States of "funding terrorism."

Fresh from a trip to the Far East, Kerry made his sensational allegation in Washington before flying to Nicaragua, then in the grip of a Marxist-Leninist junta, to coauthor a propagandistic peace proposal designed to disarm the U.S.-backed forces fighting to oust the Soviet-backed Sandinista regime.
That April 1985 journey to Nicaragua would become a trademark of the Kerry school of statecraft: making common cause with enemies of the United States -- and allowing himself to be used by them -- in order to win political battles at home.
I always liked the snap of him and that odious thug, Daniel Ortega. No word on whether he had a songfest with Danny like he did with the North Vietnamese in Paris.

And speaking of Vietnam - Veterans to Kerry: Stop using photo:
A group of more than 220 veterans who served in Sen. John Kerry's swift-boat unit in Vietnam are calling on the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate to stop unauthorized use of their images in national campaign advertising.

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which has declared the Massachusetts senator "unfit to be commander in chief," says 11 of the 20 officers in one photo Kerry uses have signed a letter condemning him.
"Of the remaining eight officers in the photo, two are deceased and four don't want any involvement," the veterans said in a statement. Only two of the 20 are believed to support Kerry.
There's also a link to this article where a fellow officer says that Lurch didn't game the system to bug out of Vietnam early - the other commanders told him to leave. Seems he was a trifle trigger happy. Hey, maybe he really was a war criminal!